243 Greenwood Brook Road, Industry, ME, 04938, USA
Call (207) 485-1228 or (207) 542-6606

Teachings with SMYA Gurus

Monthly Public Talks with the Gurus

of Sat Manav Yoga Ashram


Our Guru’s Public Teachings will now be held on our monthly Yoga Life Festivals days!

See dates here.

It’s easy to see that all beings in the web of Life serve a beneficial purpose… Except, it would seem, human beings. We are the most powerful species, yet collectively we are destructive to Life.

Surely our current path cannot reflect our true purpose on Earth! But how can we stop living destructively—and unfulfilled—to finally find real happiness and our true relationship to Life?

The ancient, rational science of Yoga (meaning “union of the unreal with the Real”) offers the complete and certain answer to this most vitally important of all questions.

Bhagavan VaShi Baba and Sri Mirabai Ishwari, our Gurus at Sat Manav Yoga Ashram, live in semi-retreat, devoting their lives to the highest Yoga practices for the benefit of all beings.

Please join us for Satsang (meaning “in company with the Truth”) to hear deep insight and inspiration from these two wonderful spiritual masters. Satsang will be held at 3:00pm on the afternoon of our monthly Yoga Life Festivals. Dates here. Yoga’s wisdom inspires reflection, offers hope and opens our eyes to humanity’s true potential.

Satsang is free and open to all. The only prerequisite is a sincere wish to explore Reality.

We hope to see you soon! Om Narbhavi Swaha! (meaning “Goodness is manifest for all beings!”)

2020 Dates: September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6